MEA Weekend Tradition
Lois and I have what's becoming a tradition. For the last three or four years we've gone away for MEA weekend for a study retreat. We get some fun in too, so this year we did two hikes and watched most of "John Adams" on DVD, the seven-part HBO miniseries based on David McCollough's biography. We read the book a few years ago and it's still the best biography I've ever read. The series has been outstanding. I think just about anybody would really enjoy it (not just history buffs).
I got one and a half of my three projects done. My first goal was to work on a staff leadership development project that's needed my attention so we can get it off the ground. Mission accomplished on Thursday. My second goal regarded preaching: working on the preaching calendar through Easter or so (mission accomplished), the next series outline and work on one message (neither accomplished). I think I can get those done pretty quickly though, since I did work on them. The third goal was to work on a new small groups project that I'll soon be unveiling. That will have to wait a few more days at least.
Please be in prayer for Jaime Warren. She's John Witherspoon's daughter (many of you know John, he and his wife Carol moved to FL a while back for their retirement). Jaime had major surgery this week for a massive benign brain tumor. Jaime is married to Josh Warren, Rick Warren's son. They are new parents. Be in prayer for the whole family. She came through 20 plus hours of surgery, then they had to go back in for another 4 plus hours yesterday. She's responding well, but there's still a tough road ahead.