News from the Orphanage in Haiti
Yves Prophete (who leads our Haitian partner organization, GVCM) is in town this weekend for a special celebration for Dana put on by the Haiti team. It was a great party last night as more than 50 people who have gone to Haiti gathered at the Mularoni's to honor Dana.
The following is from Yves' latest newsletter.
Now let me give you a bit of good news: We have been in the negotiating mode with the Haitian government for a while about the physical state of our orphanage in Fedja. They did impose some injunctions upon us, wanting to see structural improvement as a condition for us to get our yearly renewable authorization back. We thank Mike Mularoni and a team from Five Oaks Community Church, who went to Haiti and performed some of the structural work. When Ike went through Haiti, I was able to move all the children into one of the bays where we all felt safe. This is to tell you that the building is one of the strongest you might find in Haiti. Mike really did a good job making it "hurricane proof". We also worked on moving the kitchen from its hazardous location in front of the children's sleeping quarter into the main building. We also were able to purchase all the books, school supplies, uniforms and shoes the children will need to start school on October 6.