Session 6 - “Leading in New Cultural Realities” (Part 2) - Efrem Smith

Spkr_eSmith_lg Senior Pastor of The Sanctuary Covenant Church, Efrem Smith serves close to 1,000 people with the vision to be an urban, multi-ethnic, relevant, holistic, and Christ-centered community in Minneapolis. He is an internationally recognized leader, speaker, and consultant on diversity and multi-ethnic issues. Smith has held leadership positions in both church and parachurch organizations such as the Boys and Girls Club of America and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He is the author of numerous articles and books, including The Hip Hop Church.


  • No beloved communities without beloved leaders. You become a beloved leader when you let God get hold of you.
  • When Jesus comes back it’s ultimate justice. Until then, it’s just us.
  • We must also be an abiding leader.
  • God’s in the business of recruiting unqualified people.
  • It’s not that they don’t need Jesus in the suburbs. There are deranged, crazy people who need help in the suburbs. Unless that’s you, you say amen.
  • Multicultural churches...sneak previews of heaven.
  • We don’t need any more grown men with “little” before their name.
  • Some solutions are organic and some programatic.  Had to start a hip hop service to reach the hip hop culture.

Efrem's last story about going to a family reunion in Alabama was priceless. I won't even try to summarize it. But "I'm Irish!" was one of the funniest things said all day.