One Church, Multiple Campuses (Part 6)

Here are some more of the frequently asked questions about our multi-campus ministry.

Hudson Campus Questions:

  • Will we ever have our own…?

The general answer to this type of question is (1) we will continually evaluate and pursue the course that is most effective, and (2) we are learning as we go and cannot answer every question with certainty. Fortunately we have the Spirit’s guidance, prayer and the help of hundreds of churches that are farther ahead than us on this journey.

  • Will we ever have our own in-person sermons? 

It is not our plan to offer in-person sermons except for three or four occasions each year. If at some point we determine that in-person sermons will be most effective and possible, we will pursue that approach.

  • Will we ever have our ownour own building?

We expect that as campuses grow we will buy land and build. Buildings can be great tools for churches that are vibrant and growing.

  • Will we ever have our own governing board/elders?

We have elders and governing board member that attend both campuses. Our primary concern is to build the shepherding ministries of each campus, which includes small group leaders, the small groups themselves, the campus pastor, ministry leaders and care ministry.

  • Will we ever have our own youth group? 

Right now we offer youth small groups in Hudson and are waiting for more critical mass before launching a large group meeting in Hudson. We strongly encourage and promote large group meetings and events originating in the Woodbury campus to Hudson campus youth.

  • Will we ever have our own adult elective classes?

We are waiting for a second service to be added to Hudson before launching Sunday morning classes and seminars, otherwise we would have to offer children’s ministry during an additional hour. Classes are not a core Five Oaks ministry, but most of the curriculum used by classes offered at the Woodbury campus can be implemented by individual small groups in Hudson in consultation with the Campus Pastor.

  • Will we ever have our own men’s, women’s, sports, etc., ministries? 

These ministries are campus specific and will be developed as part of our strategic ministry plans for all campuses. But our focus at all campuses is on our core ministries, and we do not want to create programs that compete with our small groups. All campus ministries need to be part of our strategic plan, team driven and accountable to the Campus Pastor.

  • Will we ever have our own church, budget, etc.?

None of our campuses has their own budget. Five Oaks has one budget for two campuses. If we come to the conclusion that a campus could be more effective by being independent, we will pursue that direction.

  • Will we ever have our own paid staff?

The Campus Pastor is the only paid position at this point. As the church grows in numbers, more paid staff will be added prayerfully and strategically as needed.

  • Will we ever have our own worship program? 


More Hudson questions tomorrow.