One Church, Multiple Campuses (Part 3)

I'll get to the nitty gritty questions soon, but here are the principles and practices that make up our DNA.

  1. Purposeful
  2. One Church with Multiple Campuses
  3. Streamlined
  4. Focused: We have four core ministries that we seek to reproduce in all campuses. They are (a) Worship: Worship that is biblically and culturally relevant; (b) Small Groups: Small groups that focus on discipleship, community and mission; (c) Children and Student Ministries: Children and Student ministries that assist parents in making disciples and equip children and youth to reach out to others; and (d) The P.E.A.C.E. Plan: Local and global outreach of Planting churches, Equipping servant leaders, Assisting the poor, Caring for the sick and Educating the next generation.
  5. Multiplication: We seek to continually multiply at every level—individual, small group and congregation.
  6. Centrally Supported: We utilize central staff and resources to support core ministries on all campuses as a matter of effectiveness in our mission and the stewardship of people and material resources, while developing campus specific areas of ministry.

More to come tomorrow.