Better late than never (Part 4)
The final installment of Mary's story...
Kevin did last wishes with the kids. Annika’s wish was to go on a fancy date with her dad, one last time. Michael’s last wish was to interview his dad.
I was at church for Moms in Touch and walked into the church office. Deb Carr asked how I was coming with my kids' wishes, as she was burdened about them. I told her they were not on my radar. I was focused on keeping the house running, the bills paid, managing the spread sheet of kids activities, taking care of myself so I can take care of everyone else, and making sure my husband is out of pain.
Since this is a burden she was carrying, Deb said she would like to make Annika's wish happen. Deb spoke with Mike Binkley, former 20 yr anchor of Ch 5 who also goes to our church, and he is into doing legacy videos for people. Mike walked into the office shortly after I did, and he wanted to contact us to make a DVD of Michael interviewing Kevin. Isn't God good? God knew I don't have the capacity for one more thing, yet he saw to it that my children are covered. COOL! This is how the body of Christ is suppose to function, and here it does.
Deb arranged for the updo, the limo, the dinner place, the tux rental...everything for Annika and Kevin's date. That was Saturday, June 2. Kevin worked his IT job Tuesday, and was in hospice by Wednesday.
Kevin wanted to move up his birthday, which was June 23, to a date as soon as his family could come. He was out of the hospital by Friday, and most of his brothers and sisters were here by then. One of his sisters had planned to be 2 weeks in Australia, which she changed to MN, and was my right hand gal. She and I both agree that God earmarked that space of time off from work for her. There are amazing after amazing stories.
Our small group and friends continued to surround us, helping wherever they could. The prayer team and pastors came when I asked them to pray. Our small group came various times. It was all very surreal and amazing. Then on June 22, at 3:55 a.m., Kevin went to the feet of Jesus.
Since Kevin’s death, this church and particularly the care ministry continues to surround my family and me. God doesn’t promise us an easy life, just that he will never leave us or forsake us. I am so thankful. The church has been like God with skin on.
Thank you for being Jesus in our lives.
Kevin, Mary, Michael, Annika, Lucky and Napoleon
Grade on the assignment: A+