Better late than never (Part 3)
Mary's story of community life continued...
In July of 2006, we learned the results of a questionable chest x-ray. It was confirmed through a CT that Kevin’s cancer was back in his liver and lung. We called on the elders to pray and our small group to walk us through the next chapter of this horrible disease. The women in my small group came over once a week to clean and pick up as needed, always ending their time with prayer and a blessing for our home.
Members of the women’s Tuesday night study I had attended asked if there was anything they could do. While we were in New England for Kevin’s last wish, which was to spend time seeing fall colors with his family, the women’s group came over and redecorated our lower level. I knew that if God didn’t heal Kevin I would have a lot of people through my home and I didn’t have the energy to work on the lower level.
As Kevin continued chemo, there was a point where his cancer grew again, which is what the doctors said would happen. A couple from our small group booked their cabin with us, as well as took our children for the weekend in January. This booked weekend in Feb happened to be the day after we found the cancer was growing. God knew. There were ways this church has surrounded us and continues to surround us that were unbelievable. (To be continued...)