Small Group Ministry Team

The Small Groups Ministry Team met last night at my house. This is the team that works behind the scenes to support, train, supply, encourage, start small groups and small group leaders. Three of our warriors are ending their ministry term and going off the team at the end of the month: Denise Coronado (Connections), Jennifer Stewart (Events) and Kevin Gjertsen (Coaching). They will be missed, and if you know them, thank them for their work on this team.

Keitha Peacock (Administration) and Bill Markham (PEACE) are re-enlisting for the coming ministry year. Joe Lehn is coming on lead the Coaching area. We've also incorporated the leaders of Men's Ministry (Jeremy LaCroix), Women's Ministry (Jenny Wood and Jessie Yung) and Care (Barb Huffman) on this team. Dana is also participating for awhile. The idea is to create greater alignment around our small groups initiatives and goals.