Couple Check-up Update & Next Steps

As of today, thirty couples have taken the check-up. Here are some ideas for your next steps:

  • Make a date to go out and discuss the results. Don't just focus on the growth areas. Celebrate your relationship strengths.
  • Use the discussion guide.
  • Read a book together (out loud or separately) that deals with a growth area. Or read a chapter from a good marriage book that deals with a growth area. Then go on a date to discuss what you've learned. Lois and I did something like this early on in our marriage. We read a Norm Wright book on communication and then set some five year goals for our marriage. It was an awesome experience together.
  • Ask an older couple you admire to sit with you to discuss a growth area. Is there someone in your small group you can ask?
  • Make an appointment with a marriage counselor to work through some of your issues you're having trouble resolving.

Anybody have other ideas? Favorite books?