Anniversary and More
Lois and I celebrated our 27th anniversary on Friday with dinner out and a drive-in movie. Nala, our dog, had another major seizure on Thursday night, and she was still not doing well, so we didn't want to leave her alone all evening. So we took her with us. We saw Shrek 3 and enjoyed it, although none of the other installments beat the first. I love going to the drive-in and try to go at least once per summer.
Saturday night we went with Tom and Jody Y. to Victor's 1959 Cafe, a little hole-in-the-wall Cuban restaurant in Minneapolis that I like. Great food and Tom really got into it.
Sunday afternoon we went kayaking on the Kinni with our friends Greg and Mary S. Last time I tipped over and this time it was Lois' turn. Finished off the day with dinner out and Pirates 3.
Today we took a long hike with Larry and Pam at Wild River State Park and our small group came over for a BBQ in the evening. Great conversation and fun.
To top off the weekend, we had a great set of services and people made first-time decisions to follow Christ. It doesn't get any better than that.