First Impressions Do Make a Difference
This is an unsolicited email I received earlier this week (and he gave me permission to post it). It's so cool to get this kind of feedback, but even cooler to hear about the impact we had and can have.
I am not sure who to direct this to, so I will leave that up to you...
As you may or may not know, my Mom passed away December 3. My parents were never big "church" or "God" kind of people.
Being that Christmas was so close to Mom's death, I invited my Dad to spend the Christmas holiday at our house. On Sunday as we were getting ready to go to Christmas Eve service, we asked Dad if he wanted to come with, expecting him to say no. He said yes.
The "super greeter" (I believe his name is Donnelly, but I am not sure) noticed the Pine City on my brothers jacket and struck up a conversation with my Dad. It made my Dad's day. Sometimes we think we are not impacting with the "little" things, but in reality someones day was impacted greatly.
Also, my Dad was very impressed with the musicians...he thought they were hired for the Christmas Eve services!
First impressions do make a difference!