Go Adventurers

Just read two email reports from two of our young adults serving in other parts of the world. Anna Dalton is in China for one year and her emails capture her sense of adventure and passion for God, as well as her great sense of humor. Michial Mularoni is in Haiti for three months. Like Anna's emails, he makes you feel like your there with him as he faces the many challenges and needs he encounters in Haiti. Here are some excerpts:

From Anna: My roommate and I participated in the annual track meet for our university. They cancel classes and have a huge opening ceremony to kick it off. The foreign students were supposed to wear our "national costumes" for the ceremony. (If you know what the "American national costume" is, please inform me.) We contemplated creating some sort of fat suit and walking in with hot dogs, but instead we went with jeans, hats, and boots.

...And of course, the weekly study is going wonderfully. The girls have continued to ask so many questions and two of them even came early one week to read on their own.  I had noodles with J and she thanked me for teaching her.  She said that she had heard about Christianity before but that I was the first Christian that she's talked to. J wants to dig deep into the bible before making any decision. She read Exodus and Acts last week! So I pray that God's word would be clear to her and would prove itself powerful.

Another girl...said that she hasn't been sleeping well lately, because she keeps thinking about all these big questions she has and what her priorities are. So it's obvious God is working here already, I got to share with her some places in the bible that talk about the His purposes and what that means for us. She said that she feels like I was created by God, but that she wasn't, for some reason. Pray hard that God would draw her in and that He would reveal himself to her, she's so close!

From Mike: I arrived in Cap-Haitien on the morning of November 20th with 11 first time visitors from Ginghamsburg, OH.  We experienced all the typical “Haitian” challenges: the plane had a broken gauge delaying our take off from Ft. Lauderdale, we arrived in Haiti to learn Yves was in Port-Au-Prince with car trouble, Bill Younger
from the Mission Bonberger in Milot came to pick us up, Nickson’s flight was delayed so we had to come back for him (a 45 minute drive over bumpy Haitian roads), and because of our later than expected arrival we were unable to go and visit the Cittadelle which set the stage for a completely new week long schedule.  You’re probably thinking, “Ridiculous,” right?  But, this is Haiti and God really prepared the team for the flexibility needed to work here.

The team was absolutely amazing.  They were a bunch of goofballs and open to whatever came their way. The purpose of their visit was a vision trip.  It was the first of its type for GVCM.  We planned for them to visit multiple locations in the North of Haiti: Don Don, Beuderet, Terra Rouge, Cap-Haitien, and Milot.  At each location they planned to have Vacation Bible School, feed the kids a small lunch, play games, and then top it off by handing out gifts and bags of Rice.  We were able to accomplish these things, with some Haitian modification.

...There was another kidnapping in Port-Au-Prince three days ago, and as the election nears next week there is an elevated risk for foreigners in the city.  Most of my time is spent in the countryside, and thank God for that.  It’s not that I’m worried about getting into trouble, but the one and a half days I spent in Port-Au-Prince felt like Prison.  They wouldn’t let me leave or do anything, its amazing how stir crazy I got in such a short time.