Just finished up The Fred Factor by Mark Sanborn (see left-hand column). Sanborn tells the story of Fred, his mailman, and the kind of extraordinary service he provided to him and all of the people on his route.
It reminded me of another mailman I know. A few years ago, Lois use to meet weekly with a Somali woman to help her learn English. She made the contact through World Relief, if I remember correctly. On her way into the apartment building she ran into the mailman that we know from New Life Church. He asked her what she was doing and she explained. With tears in his eyes he told her that she was an answer to prayer. He explained that he prays regularly for the people in that apartment complex, mostly Somali refuges. He was so excited to see her there doing what she was doing because of her love for Christ.
That's a Fred. Praying for the people on his route. That's bringing Christ into the arena of your vocational life.