For Young Families Short on Cash
This isn't for everyone, but if you're a young family short on cash, here's one of my best money saving tips: The Falls Theater (715-425-2811). First-run movies and cheap. How cheap?
- Adults are $3. (Sorry, but I don't know kid's prices.)
- Large buttered popcorn is $1.50.
- Large pop is $.75.
- Just about every candy there is, any item for only $.50.
When my kids were young, it was the only movie theater where I could afford more than the ticket price. I felt like a big spender saying, "Anything you want, as long as you eat it here." In other words, I didn't want them stuffing their pockets with candy. It was even cheaper then, so I'd get out for under $15 with two growing boys! You can't beat it. And remember, it's first-run movies! (But only one screen.)
The other thing I love about it is that it's in River Falls. It's one of my other favorite places. I grew up in a city/suburb, so I feel like I've taken a time capsule when I drive into town. The theater is usually full and there's an old fashioned electricity running through the audience before the movie starts, like going to a movie is still a big event. I've also got many great memories in River Falls of taking the kids to the Chiefs' training camp. What a rush it was for them (especially Henry Michael) to meet the players and coaches as they went to lunch or came out and to see the practices. I would have killed to do that when I was a kid. It would have been unimaginable.
So even though we're no longer a young family short on cash, we still love the trek out to River Falls and the Fall Theater whenever we get a chance to see a good movie, with or without the kids, with friends or as a date.