"Go" Logo, Visuals & Series Bumper

I love the huge "Go" visual for our new series (10' x 15'). I didn't see the series "bumper" until it aired just before my message on Saturday, and I loved it. Here's a little behind the scenes info on these elements:

  • The initial drawing and concept came out of a creative session for visual elements for this series. After settling in on an idea, Kirk Steinek (our team artist and a freshman at River Falls) had been doodling. The meeting was basically over when I saw his doodle, showed it to the rest of the group and we all loved it, so we scrapped the other idea. Kirk then put it on computer and sent it to us.
  • Jonathan Haage (new on staff as Tech Coordinator), Bob Musser, Craig Peterson, Mickey White, Jose Coronado, Jeff Jackson and Barb Bald teamed up to build the frame and hang the canvas, paint the logo, hang extra fabric, suspend it over the stage and other finishing touches.
  • If we had sent this out to be done, it would have cost about $1500. Thanks to all these volunteers, we did it for under $100!
  • Bryan Mueller, our graphic artist (on staff), developed the PowerPoint version and it looks great too.
  • The bumper idea also came out of the creative session. David Gafford (Worship Arts Director) handed the idea over to Jim Roots and he developed that action packed, very cool bumper you saw this weekend. You can see it at the Five Oaks Video Podcast site or by subscribing to our podcast through iTunes.

If you want to help with visuals, video, podcasting or any other worship arts elements, you can contact David Gafford at dgafford@fiveoakschurch.org.