Feeling compromised? Learn to live your convictions.

I'm a great believer in compromise...in marriage, in politics, in negotiations of all kinds. 

Living compromised is another animal. Living compromised means violating our core convictions. Living compromised leaves us with deep regrets and shame. 

There is often a fine line between the two. Working and neighboring with people who don't share many of our core convictions as Christians requires much grace and discernment. It requires compromise. But this fine line is not what I'm talking about here.

I'm talking about wanting to be a great mom or dad (conviction), but consistently blowing the family off for work (compromised). 

I'm talking about wanting a pure mind (conviction), but consistently filling it impure content (compromised). 

Wanting to serve others (conviction), but consistently only making time for ourselves (compromised). 

A compromised life ends in deep regret when the kids grow, the fantasies drain joy out of our reality, and there is only a trail of self-serving action to show for your lives.

But living by your convictions, consistently, is hard. We need a band of brothers and sisters. We need our small group of believers, a small group where the participants are open and honest about their struggles and are willing to come alongside each other with encouragement and support.

Our men's ministry (Journeymen) is tackling this on two fronts right now. They have launched the Conquer Series. It's a cinematic teaching series on sexual purity that is not about behavior modification, but heart transformation. 

They will also hold a Men's Summit January 27-29 to connect with other men, grow deeper in faith, and have a great time together in a beautiful location. Vince Miller (founder of Resolute) is the speaker. He will be unpacking four factors that will launch your life into Christ-centered conviction. 

Guys, you can register here for the Men's Summit, "Becoming the Man God has Called You to Be." 

I hope to see you at the Summit.

In a Wilderness? Why is it so hard to have hope?

It happened again just this week. Someone who had gone through a dark and difficult wilderness experience told me they wouldn’t change a thing. There are things they learned in the darkness that they would have missed in the light. 

Yeah, I’ve heard it often. And I’ve lived it. I’ve feel the same way about my wilderness experiences.

So why is it so hard to have this attitude when I'm in a wilderness experience? Why do I so often yearn for escape more than learn and grow? 

In Exodus 17, we pick up the story with Israel’s wilderness experience after having been rescued from slavery in Egypt. But a certain pattern quickly develops. Every time Israel gets hungry and thirsty, they complain. And their complaining, especially their attitude toward God and the way they complain, is a problem.

Jesus and the rest of the Bible tell us that, like Israel, we too are sojourners who have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, who have crossed over to the other side by grace, and who are now on the way to the promised land. In this faith journey, in our wilderness, God is transforming us and teaching us to trust Him, love Him, and follow Him. No matter what.

Invite someone this weekend. Especially someone who needs a ray of hope.