10 Tweets

Here's last weekend's sermon in 10 Tweets, The David Story (1 Samuel), “Dedicating,” 1 Samuel 1:1–2:11 5153416630_3ba43067d1_b

1/ What does it mean to really dedicate our children (or anything else we value highly)?

2/ The David Story amazingly begins with a story of a woman, Hannah, deeply disappointed with her life.

3/ Out of her disappointment and depression she makes a crucial decision leading to dedicating her child to God.

4/ We can't dedicate our kids w/out coming to conviction that God is supreme & his glory is most important.

5/ In Hannah's day, children brought not only personal fulfillment but tied to family and national security.

6/ Hannah trades her dream for God's dreams and purposes.

7/ She sets aside her idol, her god, to make her life about serving & glorifying God.

8/ An idol can be a good thing that becomes an ultimate thing. Can't live without thing.

9/ Make a habit of reminding yourself that your children belong to God, not to you. Parenting is stewardship.

10/ Battle idolatry in your own heart by seeking your identity in God and investing in God's dream.

10 Tweets

Here's my sermon from last weekend in 10 Tweets, "The Bible and Sexual Intimacy" in the Loveology series (1 Corinthians 7:1-5 5396498851_e8034217e8_o

1/ What if sexual intimacy in marriage is one of the means God uses to make us more like Jesus?

2/ We are so sexually broken that our sexual life is full of the pain of unfulfilled desires.

3/ Sex is God’s idea! He created the drive, he made it pleasurable, and then he told Adam and Eve to go do it.

4/ Let your wife be a fountain of blessing for you. …Let her breasts satisfy you always. May you always be captivated by her love. Pro 5:18f.

5/ The Bible isn't prudish, but also contains many warnings about sex when it’s taken outside of its God-given boundaries and purposes.

6/ Countercultural message of 1 Cor 7:4 - women have sexual desires & those desires are legitimate & that they're as legitimate as a man’s.

7/ Marital intimacy God’s way teaches us to be less self-centered and more other-centered. 

8/ The biblical ethic for sexual intimacy is training us in self-giving and serving others. It is training ground to be more like Christ.

9/ You might say that sex as a gift to be enjoyed bet a husband & wife who are trying to out-serve each other, even in bed.

10/ Jesus our model. Washed feet - Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. (Jn 15:13)