10 Tweets
Here’s last weekend’s sermon in 10 Tweets, “Tension” (2 Samuel 15:13 – 19:8), The David Story: Finding Strength in God
1/ One of the greatest obstacles to spir. growth is the difficulty of living in the tension of two opposing ideas or realities
2/ The truth is in the tension
3/ it’s hard to live in the tension of being against the world and for the world at the same time
4/ Plotting and praying are not mutually exclusive.
5/ David has recovered his true identity and it’s not that he is the king. He is a prince. God is king.
6/ Biblical leadership is always a stewardship of responsibility and power and authority.
7/ Your efforts don’t get you merit with God, but without effort, God’s power in you will lie dormant.
8/ It’s only because of the tender mercies of God that we don’t immediately and directly experience the consequences of our sins.
9/ Don't cheapen forgiveness by failing to hold others accountable
10/ Jesus entered the tension we live in. God did that. He suffered in the tension. He gave us hope for living in the tension.