Top 10 things you don't want to hear your pastor say when...

Top 10 things you don't want to hear your pastor say when you offer to pray before a meal:*

Pray With Me

10// Can we not pray.......just this one time..........please?

9// Can we sing it instead?

8// Now? Here? Out loud?!!!

7// Hey, that's my job!

6// Already prayed this morning, so I'm good.

5// To what god would we be praying today?

4// I'm sure someone is already praying for a meal somewhere.

3// Let me ask if anyone here in this restaurant would like to join us for prayer.

2// God already knows what you're going to say, so what's the point?

1// Sorry, I gave up prayer for Lent.

Have any to add?

*Thanks to Erik Fair for helping me out on these after asking, "Were you thinking about those while I was praying?"