Resources for Parents Discipling their Kids

For the context and purpose of the resources below, please listen to my sermon from last weekend if you missed it. I talked about two kinds of resources for discipling your kids at home. The first resource is a great Bible story book. Great Bible story books communicate the whole sweep of the Bible well and tie everything to Jesus. Parents, you are so lucky to live in a day when two books exist that hit it out of the park

The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name by Sally Lloyd-Jones & Illustrated by Jago.

The Gospel Story Bible: Discovering Jesus in the Old and New Testaments by Marty Machowski and Illustrated by A. E. Macha

These books will teach you as a parent how to see the one story of the Bible and read it with Jesus and the gospel always in mind.

What about just reading the Bible as a family? By all means, read the actual stories in the Bible after or before reading the stories in one of these books. And after you've been using these books for a while, it might be time to just read the Bible.

I think the best way to become theologically literate is by growing in biblical literacy. But there is a place for major themes to be synthesized and learned, and that's where a catechism comes in. Here's one I enthusiastically recommend. You can download it for free (be sure to download the instructions, too), but I'd buy the booklet and the devotional that goes with it. This is from the church where my son, Henry Michael, is the youth pastor.

The North Star Catechism by Daniel Montgomery and Jared Kennedy

Here's a bonus resource I think you'll love. It's another way of becoming theologically literate as a family.

Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing by Sally Lloyd-Jones & Illustrated by Jago.

One last thing. You can read these for great profit even if you don't have little kids. Go ahead. Pick one up and see you what you think.

Five Oaks U: "Spiritual Parenting"

Check out this promo video and read the description below.

Spiritual Parenting

It’s hard enough to train kids to behave, but good behavior isn’t what Jesus calls for in the Bible. He wants hearts and souls that are shaped in vibrant faith and love toward
God and others. How can parents cultivate this in their children? Spiritual Parenting is a six-part DVD series that empowers parents to be the primary nurturers of their children’s faith and teach them how to create a home environment that God can use to work in their children’s lives. Your family can be transformed when you learn how to create space for God-encounters in everyday life.

  • Dates: Six Weeks - Sundays, Sept. 25, Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
  • Time: 9:30am
  • Location: Woodbury Campus
  • Instructor: Dave Runion and Nicole Schwarz
  • Cost: $15 per household
  • Registration: Register by linking here


Dave Runion has been at Five Oaks for approximately ten years and have served as volunteers in multiple capacities. As a Children’s Ministries teacher, small group leader and small group coach he has loved seeing kids and adults grow in their faith. He has been married to Emmy for 13 years. They have 3 children, Grace, Micah and Joey. As a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Dave gets the honor of walking alongside individuals and families through life’s journey. Co-teaching with David is Nicole Schwarz who is also a long time Five Oaks member who is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.