Snippet: What will you do with Jesus? (Thrill Series)

Snip·pet | ˈsnipit | noun a small piece or brief extract.

Another snippet from The Thrill of Orthodoxy: Rediscovering the Adventure of Christian Faith by Trevin Wax.

"…line-drawing over religious convictions strikes many as counterproductive. Shouldn't the impulse of Christianity lead us to greater inclusiveness? Shouldn't we be in the business of erasing lines and tearing down walls? That would be the case if religion were little more than individual spirituality or a personal preference, like choosing one flavor of ice cream over another.

"…But the New Testament doesn't portray the gospel in terms of personal preference. The gospel is about events—world-shattering, historical happenings that require a reckoning and lead to the point of decision: What will we do with Jesus?"

When it’s turned into something that’s about personal preference, it’s simply not Christianity. It’s something else.

It’s hard to say that in a way that will be heard by someone who’s moving away from a biblical and orthodox faith.

Maybe the best way to say it is to ask that question: What will you do with Jesus?

After all, as Wax writes: “Christianity isn’t just giving mental assent to a set of propositions. It’s giving yourself to a Person.”

Photo by Jehyun Sung on Unsplash