Snippet: The Power of Joy and Hope

Snip·pet | ˈsnipit | noun a small piece or brief extract.

Here are a couple from Trevin Wax in a blog post titled “Don’t Let the Culture War Steal Your Joy.”

“What’s the point of battling Mordor if you’ve lost the joy of the Shire?

“…The church must often stand against the world for the good of the world. Some things we must oppose. But it’s the church’s irrepressible joyfulness—the smile of confidence in God’s good providence—that stands out in a world of dour debates and sour dispositions. That sense of deep-rooted gladness must be present at the dinner table, in our neighborhoods, and in our church services.”

Equally, right alongside it would often be a deep-rooted sorrow or grief.

And depending on your personality and the overall circumstances, you might lean more toward one or the other.

But constant anger and disdain for the world is not good for anyone. Neither helps when seeking to persuade or bring change or witness for Christ.

Yes, there’s plenty to be angry about in our world, even with righteous anger, but I’m always amazed at how often my righteous anger is tainted by my sin and lacking in corresponding grace.

Photo by Andres Iga on Unsplash.