Snippet: Good, True, and Beautiful
Snip·pet | ˈsnipit | noun a small piece or brief extract.
Jim Davis and Michael Graham have conducted what they say is “the largest and most comprehensive study of dechurching ever commissioned.” They published their findings in a book, The Great Dechurching. This snippet is from a Gospel Coalition article (September 5, 2023), “5 Misconceptions About Dechurching in America.”
“The reasons why [most of the dechurched] willing to come back vary from group to group, but on the whole, people are looking for two things: healthy relationships and a local church that actively demonstrates how the gospel is true, good, and beautiful. Those two factors are almost entirely within our control. Church leaders can grow in their ability to exercise relational wisdom and build healthy communities. Our local churches can grow institutionally to be bolder and clearer with our doctrine, religious affection, and cultural engagement.”
Of course, this is what we should be doing anyway, but it speaks to the potential power of a simple invitation to this kind of church.
In case you’re wondering, here’s the 5 misconceptions::
Misconception #1: People leave primarily because of negative experiences with the church.
Misconception #2: Young people are leaving the church after attending secular universities.
Misconception #3: People leave the church because they’ve left the faith.
Misconception #4: The people leaving are primarily on the secular left.
Misconception #5: They aren’t willing to come back.
Photo by Kimson Doan on Unsplash