On the Overturning of Roe and Casey

On behalf of the Five Oaks Elders (on which I also serve), I am reproducing two statement (below), written in response to the overturning of Roe and Casey. We believe these statements exemplify a biblical and helpful and properly sober posture, and they reflect our values as a church, although we don’t officially endorse every idea from the statements.

We don’t officially endorse these statements because it has been our longterm practice not to endorse particular political policies and political solutions for the sake of the consciences of church members who may agree on an issue behind a policy solution but disagree on the proper or best solution. (That’s an very abbreviated version of our rationale.) Transform Minnesota and New Life Family Services are not constrained in the same way we believe we should be as a church, and some of their statements might be construed as endorsing a particular policy solution.

Addressing abortion has immense pastoral and missional dimensions that all followers of Jesus need to keep in mind as well, especially in group conversations. For example, there are many women in our church who have had an abortion and live with great regret and oftentimes a deep sense of shame aggravated by others’ insensitivity. (New Life Family Services offers help for women and men impacted by abortion.)

As a church we believe that the Bible considers the life in the womb to be a human life that is vulnerable and among “the least of these” and therefore should be protected as a matter of compassion and biblical justice (personally and systemically). But as believers we may take differing positions on some cases, like when the life of the mother is at stake or cases of rape and incest.

If you would like to be more involved on this issue, speak to one of our pastors or to Dave Baar (Director of Impact Ministries) for some direction. Our own foster & adoption ministry, as well as partner ministries like New Life Family Services, offer some great ways to get involved. In addition, we all need to bring our faith to bear on our involvement in the community and in political action.

Time to Prove our Pro-Life Ethic; Transform Minnesota’s Response

Today the US Supreme Court ruled to overturn Roe vs. Wade, a decision that Transform Minnesota and many pro-life Americans welcome in our passionate commitment to promote human dignity and protect the sanctity of life.

But making abortion illegal through court decisions or legislative action was never our ultimate goal; reducing abortion by resolving the desperate circumstances that women face is where our focus must truly be. A court decision will never end abortion in America.

Caring for women and promoting their dignity, and providing the support and assistance to mothers and families to help them raise their young children is what we must do to reduce abortions in America.

For 49 years our affiliate Ministry, New Life Family Services – and hundreds of other pregnancy centers like them across America – have cared for pregnant women, helped them access financial resources and pre-natal care, counseled them through difficult days of pregnancy, and provided diapers, clothes, car seats and parenting help after their babies were born. Through healing and counseling programs, they also care for those who have experienced an abortion. This is where pro-life values meet real life, and it is the work we must expand to prove that these are our true values.

Reducing abortion in America also means our society must address the many gaps that often leave women and their families without the support or resources to raise a child. Too many times we have met women overwhelmed by the reality of not having the support to pay for child care, housing, baby formula or medical care once their baby is born. Abortion is never their choice, but it feels like their only option. If we are truly pro-life we must support pro-child and pro-family policies that lower the financial burdens on families, assist in meeting basic needs like housing and medical care, and allow flexibility for parental leave.

In some ways today’s court decision changes very little about abortion in America. But now is the time for us to prove our pro-woman, pro-family and pro-life values.

Statement by Tammy Kocher, Executive Director of New Life Family Services:

Abortion has been the law of the land in the United States for nearly 50 years. Today, the Supreme Court of the United States just released it’s ruling to overturn Roe v Wade and send the issue of abortion back to the states. This is a monumental moment. One that I believe requires both pause, and action.

While the mission of New Life has always been one of tangible, practical support (and not political), it seems appropriate to both acknowledge and celebrate that this is a victory for protecting the most vulnerable. We believe that every life is created in the image of God, and every life matters – both born and unborn. This is why we exist.

As we pause to thank God and to celebrate that fewer lives will be lost to abortion, I believe this news should also propel us into action. Because life decisions need support.

While we don’t fully know the impact this ruling will have, here is what we anticipate:

•Abortion will continue to be legal in Minnesota and may be expanded

•Unplanned pregnancies will still happen

•Women, men, families, and children will still need support

•We may see an increase in women seeking abortion from other states

•Our mission remains the same – to provide our clients with holistic, life-affirming support

The truth is, our work is only beginning. I believe this is the pro-life community’s opportunity to show the world that we truly DO care for women and their children, as we have all along. To show that we aren’t as they accuse us: simply pro-birth. We are pro-women and pro-families, and we’re in it for the long haul.

I also want to acknowledge that this decision will likely stir up a wide variety of emotions, especially for those who have personally experienced abortion. New Life has always been and always will be committed to helping those impacted by abortion. We love you and continue to be here for you. Please reach out to our Conquerors program if you need additional support right now.

Finally, on this monumental day, I ask you to join us in stepping up to support even more women, men, children, and families in a tangible, practical, and holistic way. And may we always do this with the love and compassion of Christ.


Tammy Kocher