Snippet: Christianity is Not as Bad as You Might Think
Snip·pet | ˈsnipit | noun a small piece or brief extract.
I’m going to do a series of snippets through an article called “No, Christianity Is Not as Bad as You Think.” You can go right to the article and read the whole thing or get some snippets from it over the next few posts.
For some background on this series idea, see my March 31, 2022 post: “Snippet: Too quick to believe the worst about ourselves?”
I’ll start with the opening of the article because it’s an important caveat when sharing ideas like these:
“Let’s begin with a caveat. Nothing in the following paragraphs indicates that every church is healthy or that there aren’t issues for self-reflection and repentance. Far from it. Churches aren’t programs or buildings––they’re people. And people are messy, so churches are messy. (If you don’t believe me, read 1 Corinthians or spend more than 10 minutes in any church.) Christians—and therefore churches—are imperfect. Sometimes grievously so.”
We need more caveats like these. It demonstrates humility and speaks truthfully.
It’s also sensitive to people who have been harmed by a church.
And it’s a reminder that a church is a collection of redeemed but flawed people.
That said, the next post will offer some evidence that there’s a lot of good to be mined and considered.
Photo by Ashley Jurius on Unsplash