Snippet: Not Christian Enough

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Tom Holland, a celebrated historian (and atheist), in an interview with John Dickson:

“Essentially, Christianity defines the moral assumptions, by and large, of those who criticize it.'“

Tom Holland is not a Christian but he’s an “apologist” for the positive role of Christianity throughout history.

He points out that criticisms of Christianity that offer the Crusades or the Inquisition as examples are actually based on Christian values shaped by a Savior who was crucified, dying like a slave and declaring that all humanity is of equal value before God.

In a sense, I would add, the real critique is that Christians aren’t Christian enough. But if Christianity isn’t true, it could be valid to say that the only problem with the Crusades and the Inquisition is that they failed.

The interview can be heard on episode 45 of the “Undeceptions with John Dickson” podcast.

Photo by Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash