Snippet: Same Movement, Different Hymn Book

snip·pet | ˈsnipit | noun a small piece or brief extract.


Here’s one from Julia Wood in an interview on the Winsome Conviction podcast:

“A movement is made up of so many different voices and they aren't all singing from the same hymn book. They're singing different songs. They're singing in different voices.”

This is gold.

Julia Wood is an expert on feminism or the history of feminism in this country. One of the podcasts hosts asked her how she processes extreme ideas in the feminist movement. He quotes one that’s way out there. And the above quote was part of her response.

We hate it when someone paints us with a broad brush based on some extreme statement made by some pastor or Christian we’ve never even heard of.

I’ll use this next time I have a chance.

But I also need to ask why I let people pull me in or get away with doing this when talking about a movement or group I disagree with.