Day 18 - 40-Day Journey through the Bible

Today is Day 18 on Facebook Live on my Facebook account here at about 5:05pm. We continue in the last two scenes of the Old Testament, scenes 6 (Kings) and 7 (Prophets). Our focus for a few moments will be on the wisdom and poetic literature of the Bible—books like Proverbs and Psalms. These are connected primarily to David and Solomon, David’s son. Read Psalm 1, Proverbs 16:1-9, and Song of Songs 7:1-9 in a modern translation or here. But to go deeper, take 10 minutes or so to watch the Bible Project videos on How to Read Poetry and How to Read the Books of Solomon below. (For those receiving this by email, two videos at my website and another post today, so scan all the way down the email.)