This is Us

We are the church, whether we are gathered or scattered--each one of us, a part of the body of Christ, wherever we go, whatever we do.

So, where can you find us, and what are we doing?


Last week Five Oaker Theresa Gulsvig asked the other women in her small group if they had any great ideas to celebrate Palm Sunday, and most were depending on the Parent Cue app for their lessons.  Meanwhile, she saw on social media that a florist in Cottage Grove was handing out free palm fronds for Palm Sunday, and she wanted her kids to have a physical example of Palm Sunday.  So she picked up a bunch of palm fronds and left them on the steps of each member of her small group so they could each celebrate.  At her house, they watched a few you YouTubes about what Jesus did on Palm Sunday, taught them the classic "Ho ho Hosanna" song, then reenacted the scene using the palm branches—a bouncy horse and a princess crown (to talk about how they wanted Jesus to be their military ruler).  In Theresa’s words, “It was flawed, but infinitely better than not celebrating!” Absolutely!

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