Keep Christianity Weird

You may be familiar with the slogan that started in Austin, TX, and then spread to other cities. The slogan is “Keep Austin Weird.”


I was thinking about that with regard to our passage this week found in 1 Corinthians 1.

From the first chapter of 1 Corinthians, all the way through the fourth chapter, Paul is actually making a case for keeping Christianity weird.

And Christianity is weird. Seriously weird! I’ll show you right off in the sermon with one story.

Our impulse is to downplay the weirdness and to try our best to fit in and make our our faith seem “normal.”

But it’s really important that it stay weird in the right ways because it’s in the weird parts of our faith that we experience God’s power and grace.

I hope to see you this weekend. Do you have a friend who loves weird? Invite them this weekend.

Photo by yns plt on Unsplash