Waiting to Meet Dad on His Walk Home...Not Knowing What He Looks Like
That’s story of one of Cuban leaders who will be coaching us on Saturday morning.
His dad was imprisoned for his faith for several years, and the day he was released, with hundreds of others, Pastor Pachy was about four years old.
Pachy couldn’t wait to see his dad, so he went out to a bridge all the released prisoners would cross as they left the prison.
Then it hit him…he didn’t know what his dad looked like.
I’ll have him share that story, and the story of how the churches of his denomination (of which he is president) have been reaching people for Christ multiplying throughout the country against all odds.
I hope you’ll join me, our Board, our Elders, and small group leaders on Saturday, 8:30-11:30am at the Five Oaks building. Register HERE.