This is Us

We are the church, whether we are gathered or scattered--each one of us, a part of the body of Christ, wherever we go, whatever we do.

So, where can you find us, and what are we doing?  


What happens when you're Muslim, receive Christ through a vision (a typical way Muslims come to Christ), and then lead 50 of your family and friends to Christ...and you live in a Muslim majority country? Five Oaks Impact Director, Kevin Johnson (far left in the picture) and FIve Oakers Craig and Donna McClun (far right) met such a man in a recent trip to the Middle East. That man is doing well but he receives threats almost daily. That's only one of the courageous people they met on the trip. Pictured with them are two pastoral families from Egypt and Lebanon. Craig works for the global arm of our denomination and Kevin went with him on this trip to explore a  possible Five Oaks partnership in this region