Do you need a bigger, more compelling vision for your life?
The reality is that as children of God we are part of a bigger, more compelling story.
How can you tap into that story in a way that inspires you in new and fresh ways?
For a lot of people it has been through the Perspectives course.
You’ve heard me talk about this before. Everyone I know who goes through this challenging and inspiring course comes out transformed and better equipped to live missionally.
Five Oaker Dave Baar
Dave Baar talks about his experience: “I was powerfully impacted by the stories of real sacrifice that followers of Jesus have made throughout history, and are still making today, to ensure all people throughout the world hear the good news of Jesus Christ. The reading , the group discussions, and the first hand stories from current-day missionaries truly did change my perspective.”
Impact Director Kevin Johnson: “I was amazed at how God's missionary heart permeates all of Scripture, how God has orchestrated events of history to move multitudes into position to hear the gospel, how He is still at it today, and how many ways there are for me to get engaged in His plan.”
This year the class is being held at Woodbury Lutheran Church on Tuesday evenings from January 15 - April 30, 2019. Teachers will come from all over the Twin Cities to teach the class which is offered all over the world. Every week will feature practical ways you can engage the world with the message of God’s grace.
To register go to