The Number One, Most Important Thing for Passing on Your Faith

One of my grandchildren, Isla Margaret, is being dedicated this weekend at Five Oaks, as well as eight other family dedications. 

Like other grandparents who will be there, it will be a wonderful moment, seeing our children dedicating one of their children. It's a legacy moment. 

It just so happens that our passage is the farewell address of Joshua. About 110 years old, he challenges God's people to keep the faith. He tells them, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." It's one of the great passages in the Bible. It's perfect for a family dedication weekend.

Joshua tells them they must choose. This part of what he says gets really interesting, but I'll save it for the weekend.

In his statement of faith and challenge, you find the number one, most important thing you can do to pass on your faith to your kids or to others you influence.

That's what we'll focus on this weekend. Invite a friend.