How the Cost of God's Love Frees Us to Live, Laugh, and Love
Love has a price. It costs more than we can imagine.
We benefit from the price God pays for his love. It frees us to live, to laugh, and to love. And we'll see how, this weekend, in an unexpected place: the failure of God's people and their delivery through a left-handed judge.
My cousin Lester loves his mom. Her health has deteriorated to the point that much of Lester's life revolves around attending to her needs. It costs him to love.
A few days ago we celebrated the life of a friend of many in our church family. She was only 51. Thousands of people died the same day she did, but only her death was grieved by those who loved her. Because they loved her, her passing was painful. Their love cost them deep grief. It costs to love.
We can avoid the cost of love by not loving. We will end up paying dearly in different ways, of course, but we will avoid the pain of grief or the hardships of serving sacrificially because of love.
God's love costs him. It cost him the cross. But that is only the tip of the iceberg. How much love costs God is a theme that runs through the whole Bible.
So also is the theme of how we benefit from the price God pays for his love. It frees us to live, to laugh, and to love. And we'll see this in an unexpected place: the failure of God's people and their delivery through a left-handed judge.
Do you know someone who is paying a high price because they love? Invite them so that they can be encouraged and refreshed.