Wrong direction? You need a turning point in your story.
In one of my favorite books, the author talks about editing your own story before it happens. It's an amazing concept.
It's an important way of thinking because it de-victimizes us. It fills life with possibility.
Turning points in a story and in our story are usually preceded by an event or series of events. But they also often occur when we meet someone. Meeting that person changes our lives. Not the moment we meet them, but looking back we see that the turning point started when we met.
This can be a new friend when we change schools. It can be a contact that leads to your best job ever. It can be meeting your spouse. Meeting that person is the turning point.
God wants to be that person when we're headed in a wrong or fruitless direction.
Last weekend we looked at how the building of the tabernacle in Exodus was a major turning point in the Story of God. It's often missed because of the details of the tabernacle.
Through the tabernacle God was making a way to dwell once again with his people. He had not dwelt with his people, day by day, since Genesis 3.
Approaching God through tabernacle worship was complex, and contact with God was mediated by priests. It was less than ideal.
But the difficulties approaching God were not God's fault. He is who he is; we are not who he created us to be. So coming near him without mediation and sacrifices would incinerate us.
But God made it possible. Why? Because he wants to be with us.
If you're a believer in Jesus, God is with you. You are his tabernacle. That means that if you feel stuck or you are going in a wrong or fruitless direction, he is why you can change your story. He can change your story. He can make your life into the great adventure he created you to live.