Huge Investment Opportunity for Regular Folks
One of my favorite podcasts is called Startup. The first season is all about the startup of a new media/podcast company by the producer of Startup. Interesting idea, right? They produced a podcast about the launch of their podcast company.
One of the interesting things is the exposure to a world I knew next to nothing about. Huge amounts of money are invested each year by outside investors (venture capitalists) in startups, most of which will fail. They all seem to be going for the big win, the billion dollar company.
On March 11, from 9am - Noon, Five Oaks is sponsoring a workshop on a special kind of startup venture, one that requires money and sweat equity, one that regular folks can invest in with unbelievable (eternal) returns on investment.
It's a workshop on church planting. It's being led by Mike Brown and he really knows his stuff. He's working with Dan Lukas' church plant.
He will help us understand why church planting is an important kingdom priority and how it can be done with a success rate of 87%.
We're holding this workshop at a special nearby location with some symbolic meaning for Five Oaks. Email me and I'll tell you where it is.
The Five Oaks board and executive staff team will be there. But it's open to all.
Please consider joining us.