God’s Pursuit, Punishment, & Promise…
Two of those words fall gently on our ears and hearts. We generally like the idea of a loving God who pursues us and promises his love to us. The idea that there is punishment in there, however, almost stands in contrast to the idea of unconditional love and acceptance.
Photo by Dominik Kuhn on Unsplash
Is the God of the Old Testament the same God in the New Testament? Is he angry, jealous, and vengeful, or loving, accepting, and merciful?
Are these secrets or skeletons in God’s Old Testament closet? How do we approach the stories in the Bible that involve God’s punishment of his people? What does it mean for you and me today?
It’s all in here this weekend. There is pursuit, punishment, setback, and the joy of a promise that leads to gratitude and a response of worship to God.
I am looking forward to a great weekend this weekend as we search, struggle, and learn together.