God's Crowbar

“How might God use the pain, hardship, and suffering in my life?” 

The book of Joel answers that question. 

God raises the prophet Joel to deliver a message to God’s people after a catastrophic event, an utterly devastating swarm of locusts. There will be hunger and death in Israel following the swarm.

This disaster seems simply to have been a natural disaster, but God doesn’t waste a disaster. God uses the disaster in their lives. 

Disasters are God’s crowbar. They are a lever God uses to pry us loose and set us free.

Pain, hardship, disappointments, and suffering are God’s crowbar. 

God uses hard stuff we experience as a lever to pry us loose from our sins and set us free to experience his renewing and restorative presence and power.

That’s what we’re looking at this weekend as we cover the book of Joel in our Bible Project series. I hope to see you. 

If you get a chance, watch the Bible Project Video on Joel here.