Overheard at Five Oaks - January 24, 2017

Things overheard at The Weekly (our weekly all staff meeting), by lurking around corners and hiding in cleaning closets, and with some help from the Edward Snowden. 

"Not only did she have 30 kids in her class, one of them also threw up." Cindy Yarington (co-director of Children Ministry) bragging about one of our Sunday school teachers.

"My husband was so pumped to have Scott Kent back up there playing electric guitar." Scott and Kerri moved to Iowa a while back and have been back for a while. I feel the same way seeing him up there.

"Jennifer and Aaron, want to give us a little update on how your teams did this last weekend." Brian's opening at The Weekly. Jennifer is a Steeler's fan. Aaron is a Packers fan. That was too mean, Brian. I'm suspending with pay for the next few days.

"I don't know if any of you have put food in your mailbox." Nope. 

"Food in the mailbox goes to the food shelf and we partner with them financially." Oh.

"Two small groups and some others have volunteered to run the meal for the international students at the UofM Hospitality Center ministry night!" Kevin Johnson, Impact Director.

"I don't even know what that is." A Packer fan on staff referring ti the party on Sunday after the second service for Dan Lukas. 

"Henry, you need to keep the sarcasm down this weekend when you talk about Dan." Jonathan Haage (Small Groups Pastor) in our service planning meeting.

"Oh, that's so hard. [Jeremy groaning in the background, identifying on how hard this will be.] I might have to pray and fast over this one." My response to Jonathan.