One More Thing
Hi Five Oakers,
The weekend is almost here and there are a few things I want to share with you:
The Weekend
Dan Lukas will be preaching this weekend. Here's a preview of what he's talking about:
A few weeks ago a friend asked me to recommend a book for her to use in her prayer time. For several good reasons, I didn’t give her my real answer. If you come this weekend, you (and my friend) will hear my real answer. And here is a hint, my real answer is so obvious, but is completely overlooked by churches like ours.
PS Don’t worry, the suggestion I gave my friend was still good.
I know his real answer, and I think it will help a lot of us grow as pray-ers.
Michael Hyatt on "THINKING ABOUT AN AFFAIR? COUNT THE COST: 8 Reasons You Should Run, Not Walk, from Infidelity"
Several years ago a friend of mine had an affair. It was like dropping an atomic bomb in his life. He lost his wife, his kids, his home, his friends, and more. It’s impossible to fully appreciate the devastation caused by his decision—people are still hurting years later. But counting the cost of infidelity is something we should all do.
Charles Stone on "The 10 Most Important Questions You could ever Ask Yourself"
Even those most faithful to God occasionally need to pause and think about the direction of their lives. It’s so easy to bump along from one busy week to another without ever stopping to ponder where we’re going and where we should be going.
One More Thing
"We are usually at a loss regarding what to say to God on behalf of another person or, alternatively, to God himself regarding the fulfillment of his purposes in the world. The Lord's Prayer frees us from the tyranny of spiritual creativity and allows us to rest in the confidence of something certain and true. Instead of fabricating something snappy to garner God's attention, Jesus would have us lose all such originality and simply plagiarize … at the [invitation] of the Lord himself." (John J. Bombaro)