10 Tweets on "Unexpected" (Ruth 1)

Here are 10 tweets from my notes on Dan Lukas' sermon this last weekend in our new series on Ruth.

1/ Advent is so that we don't just celebrate the holiday but also the holy-day of Christmas.

2/ Naomi and her family became refugees.

3/ Naomi's sons marrying Moabites is like your kids marrying Packer fans [Whoa, Dan, that too close to home.]

4/ How bad does your life have to be to name your kids "sickness" and "wasting away"?

5/ God shows up at the very center of Naomi's suffering.

6/ In her suffering, God wasn't turning his back on Naomi, God was turning her back to him.

7/ Salvation comes in the backdrop of suffering in the story of God.

8/ If we pay attention, we see God at work in unexpected places: Naomi's suffering, Ruths's kindness, the town of Bethlehem.

9/ 1000 years later God again shows up in Bethlehem in an unexpected way.

10/ Are you going to be looking for where God is at work or looking at your own concerns?