The Weekend - "Can We Trust Joshua's God?"
HI Five Oakers,
This weekend we're tackling a tough topic you can't avoid if you're teaching and reading through the book of Joshua.
How can a loving God command his people to wipe six Canaanite nations from the face of the planet?
Here are some of the questions I'll be exploring as we look at Joshua 6.
- What happens to that question if we add another element to the equation posed by that question? What if God is not only loving but also all-wise?
- Can you have true love without true wrath?
- Given God's track record when it comes to his efforts to rescue humanity, how much do you think God loved those Canaanite nations?
Those are only some of the points we'll be exploring.
I don't think you'll walk away feeling good about the judgment on the Canaanites. I also don't think you'll no longer feel uneasy about it. But I truly hope you will be able to say, "Yes, I can trust Joshua's God, and here's why."
As usual, the whole service is planned around the gospel. All killer no filler. We want you to engage with God and with each other. We'll do all we can to make that happen.
Blessings, Pastor Henry