10 Tweets
Here’s last weekend’s sermon in 10 Tweets, “House” (2 Samuel 7), The David Story: Finding Strength in God
1/ Dale Ralph Davis: “Our text testifies that the kingdom of God is never safe in human hands, no matter how godly those hands may be.”
2/ Don't deify your Christian heroes. But don’t allow human failures to make you cynically suspicious and destructively individualistic.
3/ God is essentially saying 'I’ve always been content to live among my people. I don’t want to live in a palace.'
4/ Hugh Halter: "The incarnation isn’t just about an equation. It’s about an emotion. God wanted us back. He wanted it the way it used to be."
5/ David has no idea that some day God will become a man and “tabernacle” among us (John 1:14)
6/ 'No, you will not build me a house. I will build you a house. I am not like the other gods & following me is not like any other religion.'
7/ If you say Christianity is essentially the same as other religions, you are factually wrong. None are based on God's grace like Christianity.
8/ You either put your faith in him and in what he has done for you or you keep putting your faith in yourself & in what you can do for him.
9/ You can't do God a favor.
10/ No more Davidic kings. The people keep looking for the One…Then Mt 1:1: "the book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David"