10 Tweets

Here's last weekend's sermon in 10 Tweets, "Dance" (2 Samuel 7), The David Story: Finding Strength in God 6114440422_5e016d3333_o

1/ If Uzzah's death bothers you, you're in good company. It made David very angry.

2/ No explanation of why God executes Uzzah, but he does expect you to figure it out. Lots of clues in the larger story of God.

3/ Simplest explanation is Uzzah is dead for the same reason the guy who shot fireworks off his head is dead.

4/ Did he know the 3 simple rules? What would you do if the object in which God’s presence dwells in a special way were delivered to your care?

5/ Why treat the presence of God with less care than any normal human being would treat their china?

6/ To end with Uzzah you have a God who is holy but wholly unapproachable. You have a God you can respect but not a God you can love.

7/ Why did David dance? God reminded him of his grace…in spite of our sinfulness, God desires to dwell with his people.

8/ David was reminded that God’s glory was also expressed in his grace. And God’s glorious grace compelled him to worship.

9/ Why did Michal mock? Michal neither gets God’s glory nor God’s grace.

10/ She: "Don’t you understand, David, God serves the king?" He: “You’re right. I’m a prince. God is king.”