10 Tweets

Here's last weekend's sermon in 10 Tweets, "Bringing it Home," Rule of Life: God in My Everything, Deuteronomy 6:4-7,20-24 mentoring

1/ I don't think I've worked hard enough to convince parents that their kids live forever.

2/ What "systems" (rules) do you have in place to keep Christ at the center in your home life and parenting?

3/ God's not interested in outward compliance; he wants wholehearted devotion. From you & your kids. Go for the heart.

4/ Going for the heart doesn't discard the importance of the mind and truths about God.

5/ Heart = Inner being; Soul = Entire person; Might = physical, economical, social strength. All of you and all you have.

6/ "These words...shall be on your heart." God's people will not be defined by rule-keeping but by our wholehearted devotion.

7/ Jewish saying that if your teacher and your parent are drowning, save the teacher first...of course, the parent is to be the teacher.

8/ For teaching our kids, leverage transitions (Deut 6:7)

9/ The competing versions of the good life are communicated through stories. We have a better story. Tell a better story.

10/ Deut 6:20...And when your son asks you... The story is the primary way of catechizing. Do you, personally, have a story of God's grace?