10 Tweets
Here's the sermon from last weekend in 10 Tweets, "The What and the Why," Rule of Life: God in My Everything
1/ This series is about walking consciously and intentionally through your day with God, wherever you go and in whatever you do.
2/ God wants to be involved in your everything personally. He wants your what, when, where, who and how directed toward him and by him.
3/ Ever had a great experience at a hotel, start to finish? The systems that they have in place to keep values alive is their Rule of Life.
4/ Peter Scazzero: “A Rule of Life, very simply, is an intentional, conscious plan to keep God at the center of everything we do.”
5/ Peter Scazzero: “The starting point and foundation of any Rule of Life is a desire to be with God and to love him.”
6/ If you are a growing believer, you already have a Rule. If you aren't growing in deeper love for God, you don't have a Rule or it's broken.
7/ Why a Rule? Because living with God in our everything requires intentional practice. And we need reminders.
8/ Pray without ceasing. (1 Thes. 5: 17) How? It takes systems and practice. Intentional practice until it becomes more & more natural.
9/ The Rules themselves are often the means by which we connect with God (e.g., fixed prayer times).
10/ A Rule of Life is neither a measure of spirituality nor a means of meriting God’s favor.