10 Tweets and Com Card Comments

Here is my sermon in 10 tweets, “The Anatomy of a Church Planting Venture," Acts 18:1-11 1/ Wherever God’s people went, they invited others into a relationship with God and with God’s people.

2/ The first thing Paul did when entering a city wasn’t to go to a synagogue, it was to look for a job.

3/ When Paul planted a church, the people in those churches didn’t just come from the synagogue, they came from his vocational network.

4/ When your identity is in Christ, you will eventually be identified with Christ where you work.

5/ In a sense we are all “tentmakers,” on mission wherever we live and work.

6/ Acts 18:4 - “he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath, and tried to persuade Jews and Greeks

7/ What may feel uncomfortable to talk about in the workplace (uncomfortable for everyone) is natural at a church or similar location.

8/ Our closest friends and family are often the hardest to reach, but most people are reached by their closest friends and family.

9/ "What kind of person am I if I don’t do what God laid on my heart to do?"

10/ "Mike, don't neglect the spiritual life of your son."

Here are the comments from last weekend's Communication Cards:

// Pastor Henry, thank you for sharing your friend Mike’s faith story. It was very moving.

// That story – IMPACTFUL! Praise God!

// Congrats Jeremy! How beautiful!

// Thank you for great worship and learning and encouragement.

// Great video – how simple – how eternal. Great faith story of Mike.

// Wow, what a great service. Thank you!

// Great, great worship set! Love the last song in the opening set. So well done. As was the opener. You guys do such a great job. Thanks for the message Henry. Love your preaching. Loved Dodi’s story.