Monday Memo

Hi Five Oakers, Here are most of the comments and questions from the weekend services:

Learning to Walk // Great music today – yea keyboards!

// Wow great message!! Thanks.

// Great to be back for the weekend – we miss you all!  Darin Meyers [Great to see you guys!]

// Thanks Henry for this series. I’m really enjoying it!

// This church is so awesome! Right on teaching! God is here in this church! Praise God!

// Thank you for that powerful message!

// Henry, your message was pointed and deeply meaningful to me as some fresh perspective on how to be, how to parent and how to walk. Thank you.

// Henry, you have given so many great sermons, but this one is in my top 5. So well thought out and organized, and your delivery was flawless. God was really speaking through you today. I will be using many nuggets in my personal life and with the group I mentor.

// You may want to check the pens in the pews. Lots are missing. (i.e. – five in our row are gone.) [Will do. Thanks.]

// There was an annoying humming on the mic (?) or projector (?) during the Saturday service.  [We've got major problems with our speakers (they are broken] and I'm glad to say we will very soon have new speakers!]

// FYI – I know many of us sit too far back. The few times I’ve sat closer to the middle, it was noticeably louder. It’s hard on my ears.  [True. And makes sense. But it's still lonely for me up there on Saturdays sometimes.]

// We are moving in June to the tri-cities in WA. If you have any church recommendations we would like to hear about them. [I'll email you. I'll see what I can find out.]

// What can we do to better encourage our small group leaders? [Thanks for this question! Show up. Call when you can't make it. Don't miss for lame reasons. (Don't forget why you're in the small group in the first place.) Help out. Make your life about learning to observe everything Jesus commanded (it will be noticeable). Say thank you every once in a while.]