One More Thing

Hi Five Oakers, The weekend's coming and there are a few things I want to share with you.


The Weekend

This is the Feed Event weekend. Thanks to your generosity, all the food will be shipped to our partners in Haiti! There are, amazingly, a few spots still open, so sign up if you haven't yet.


Josh Reich on "The One Thing Destroying Your Marriage That You Don’t Realize"

Couples use joking and making fun of their spouse as a way of communicating truth. Now, this is a destructive and unhealthy way to communicate truth, but nevertheless a powerful way. The problem is that over time, it is disrespectful, it tears the other down and it does not build oneness in your marriage. Eventually, the only communication that happens in your marriage is nagging, nitpicking and making fun.

Kevin DeYoung on "Red Letter Nonsense"

The unity of Scripture also means we should be rid, once and for all, of this “red letter” nonsense, as if the words of Jesus are the really important verses in Scripture and carry more authority and are somehow more directly divine than other verses. An evangelical understanding of inspiration does not allow us to prize instructions in the gospel more than instructions elsewhere in Scripture. If we read about homosexuality from the pen of Paul in Romans, it has no less weight or relevance than if we read it from the lips of Jesus in Matthew. All Scripture is breathed out by God, not just the parts spoken by Jesus.

Megan Best on "Your Options in Infertility"

It's difficult for those on the outside to understand an infertile couple's level of suffering. But some sense of the desperation can be gauged from the efforts many make to overcome their problem: the time and money spent, and the stress and pain of fertility treatment. ...Couples coming to terms with the idea they may be infertile are incredibly vulnerable. They can easily access child-promising treatment without stopping to consider what it involves. It's vital, then, for any couple in this situation to seek careful counseling in the early stages of their discussions before deciding anything. Though it's ethically acceptable for Christians to seek medical help to restore the natural function of childbearing, not all "standard" medical therapy will be morally acceptable to those who wish to protect life from the time of fertilization.


One More Thing

Philippians 1:3 I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, 4 always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. 

This weekend is not just about feeding hungry children in Haiti. Feed My Starving Children is all about partnering with missionaries on the ground all over the world. The missionaries distribute the food. That's kingdom work. And they proclaim the gospel. That's kingdom work. Amazingly, we, like the Philippians who partners with Paul, are partners in the gospel with FMSC and missionaries in Haiti.